Server Configuration

The server configuration is modified with default configuration files, custom configuration files and command line arguments.


  1. Command line arguments
  2. Custom JSON files
  3. Custom INI files
  4. Default JSON file
  5. Default INI file

The default configuration JSON files:

    "server": {
        "interface": "",
        "port": 8000,

        "debug": false,
        "security": true,

        "accept_unknow_user": false,
        "accept_unauthenticated_user": false,
        "active_auth": true,
        "auth_script": "",
        "auth_failures_to_blacklist": 3,
        "blacklist_time": 30,
        "admin_groups": [1000],
        "exclude_auth_paths": ["/static/", "/js/"],
        "exclude_auth_pages": ["/api/", "/auth/", "/web/auth/"],
        "session_max_time": 3600,
        "csrf_max_time": 300,

        "scripts_path": [
        "json_scripts_config": [
        "ini_scripts_config": [
        "documentations_path": [
        "modules": ["error_pages", "share", "cgi", "rss", "JsonRpc", "notification"],
        "modules_path": ["./modules"],
        "js_path": [
        "statics_path": [

        "log_level": "0",
        "log_filename": "./logs/root.logs",
        "log_format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s (%(funcName)s -> %(filename)s:%(lineno)d)",
        "log_date_format": "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
        "log_encoding": "utf-8",

        "smtp_server": null,
        "smtp_starttls": false,
        "smtp_password": null,
        "smtp_port": 25,
        "smtp_ssl": false,
        "admin_adresses": [
        "notification_address": "notification@webscripts.local",

        "webproxy_number": 0,

        "data_dir": "data",
        "cgi_path": ["cgi-bin"]

    "urls": {
        "/authentication/": "/web/auth/",
        "/cgi-bin/": "/cgi/bin/",
        "/bin/": "/cgi/bin/",
        "/cgi/": "/cgi/bin/"

The default configuration INI file:

interface=                                                                            # required value
port=8000                                                                                      # required value

debug=false                                                                                    # Export the full server configuration, active unsecure module to see and change configurations and get error messages on HTTP errors pages [NEVER true in production]
security=true                                                                                  # Add security HTTP headers

accept_unknow_user=false                                                                       # Don't force a user to re-authenticate
accept_unauthenticated_user=false                                                              # Don't force authentication for new user
active_auth=true                                                                               # Active auth page                                                                            # Change it to use a custom authentication script
auth_failures_to_blacklist=3                                                                   # Number of authentication failures to blacklist an IP address or user
blacklist_time=30                                                                              # Blacklist time in seconds
admin_groups=1000                                                                              # Integer list to defines Adminitrators groups
exclude_auth_paths=/static/,/js/                                                               # Start of paths where the unauthenticated user gets access
exclude_auth_pages=/api/,/auth/,/web/auth/                                                     # Specific page where the unauthenticated user has access
session_max_time=3600                                                                          # Maximum time in seconds of sessions (recommended value: 3600)
csrf_max_time=300                                                                              # Maximum time in seconds of csrf tokens (recommended value: 300)

scripts_path=./scripts/account,./scripts/passwords,./scripts/uploads                           # Add scripts from location
json_scripts_config=./config/scripts/*.json                                                    # Add server configuration (syntax: json)
ini_scripts_config=./config/scripts/*.ini                                                      # Add server configuration (syntax: cfg, ini)
documentations_path=./doc/*.html                                                               # Add path to search documentation scripts
# modules                                                                                      # Add custom modules (names) to the server
# modules_path                                                                                 # Add directory to import custom modules
js_path=./static/js/*.js                                                                       # Add glob syntax files to get javascript files
statics_path=./static/html/*.html,./static/css/*.css,./static/images/*.png,./static/images/*.jpg,./static/pdf/*.pdf  # Add glob syntax files to get static files

log_level=DEBUG                                                                                # Set your custom log level {"DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"}
log_filename=./logs/root.logs                                                                  # Write your custom logs in this filename
log_format=%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s (%(funcName)s -> %(filename)s:%(lineno)d)     # Format for your custom logs (
log_date_format=%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S                                                              # Format date for your custom logs (
log_encoding=utf-8                                                                             # Encoding for your custom log file

smtp_server                                                                                    # SMTP configuration is used to send notifications, the server name or the IP address of the SMTP server
smtp_starttls=false                                                                            # Using starttls to secure the connection
smtp_password                                                                                  # Password for email account (username is the notification_address configuration), if password is None the client send email without authentication
smtp_port=25                                                                                   # SMTP port
smtp_ssl=false                                                                                 # Using SSL (not starttls) to secure the connection
admin_adresses=admin1@webscripts.local,admin2@webscripts.local                                 # Administrators email addresses to receive the notification
notification_address=notification@webscripts.local                                             # Notification address to send the notification (the sender email address)
webproxy_number=0                                                                              # Number of web proxies in front of the WebScripts server (this is the security configuration to block IP address spoofing: proxies add a header to send the client's IP address and proxies use different headers, there is no way to know which header is the right IP but it is possible to check the number of IPs in the headers). This configuration impact the bruteforce protection and the IP filtering authentication. Without this configuration the IP spoofing protection will be disabled (the bruteforce protection and IP filtering in authentication will be ineffective).

data_dir=data                                                                                  # Configure data directory
cgi_path=cgi-bin                                                                               # CGI path to find scripts

/authentication/=/web/auth/                                                                    # Routing the URL -> /authentication/ 'redirect' to /web/auth/
/cgi-bin/=/cgi/bin/                                                                            # Routing the URL -> /cgi-bin/ 'redirect' to /cgi/bin/
/cgi/=/cgi/bin/                                                                                # Routing the URL -> /cgi/ 'redirect' to /cgi/bin/
/bin/=/cgi/bin/                                                                                # Routing the URL -> /bin/ 'redirect' to /cgi/bin/
  • interface: to change the connection interface
  • port: to change the connection port
  • debug: active the debug mode (export configuration, print error message and existing URLs in web page and active unsecure module to see and change configurations)
  • security: send security HTTP headers, desactive the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header and debug module for Content-Security-Policy
  • accept_unknow_user and accept_unauthenticated_user: don't force client authentication
  • active_auth: active the authentication script
  • auth_script: filename for the authentication script
  • auth_failures_to_blacklist: Number of authentication failures to blacklist an IP address or user
  • blacklist_time: Time in seconds to blacklist an IP address or user
  • admin_groups: This integer list defines all ID groups with privileges (for WebScripts administration)
  • exclude_auth_paths: Start of paths where the unauthenticated user gets access
  • exclude_auth_pages: Specific page where the unauthenticated user has access
  • session_max_time: timeout in seconds for WebScript sessions
  • csrf_max_time: timeout in seconds for WebScript CSRF tokens
  • scripts_path: paths to research a script (if not defined in script configuration)
  • ini_scripts_config: glob syntax to research INI scripts configurations files
  • json_scripts_config: glob syntax to research JSON scripts configurations files
  • documentations_path: list of glob syntax to research documentation files
  • modules: list of names of custom modules
  • js_path: list of glob syntax to research javascripts files
  • modules_path: list of directories to import the modules
  • statics_path: glob syntax to get static files (HTML files, CSS files, pictures, PDF files, text files...)
  • log_level: Log level for ROOT logger (impact all loggers, recommended value: "0")
  • log_filename: log filename for ROOT logger (impact ROOT logger only)
  • log_format: log format for ROOT logger (impact ROOT logger only), references
  • log_date_format: date format for logs (impact ROOT logger only), references
  • log_encoding: encoding for log file (impact ROOT logger only, recommended value: "utf-8")
  • smtp_server: The SMTP server name to send email notifications (if it's None notifications will not be sent)
  • smtp_starttls: Use StartTLS to secure the connection
  • smtp_password: Login as notification_address configuration using this password. If it's None notifications will be sent without authentication.
  • smtp_port: The SMTP server port.
  • smtp_ssl: Use SSL to secure the connection
  • admin_adresses: Administrators email addresses to receive email notification
  • notification_address: Address to send email notifications (and username if password is not None)
  • webproxy_number: Number of Web proxy that add new IP address in HTTP request
  • data_dir: The data directory path
  • cgi_path: The CGI scripts/executables directories


You can defined URLs to redirect to other WebScripts URLs. It's useful to create shorthen URLs or to access faster to some Web pages.

INI syntax


To build a list in INI files, use ,.




To build a list in INI files, use true or false.



Custom configurations

You can had custom server configurations and use it in modules.

    "server": {
        "interface": "",
        "port": 8000,

        "custom_configuration": "My custom configuration !"

With this configuration, the server configuration object will have a custom_configuration attribut set to My custom configuration !.


  • log_level should be 0.
  • smtp_password should only be used if smtp_ssl is set to true or smtp_starttls is set to true.
  • blacklist_time and auth_failures_to_blacklist configurations should be configured.
  • active_auth configuration should be set to true.
  • accept_unknow_user and accept_unauthenticated_user configurations should be set to false.
  • exclude_auth_paths configuration should be equal to ["/static/", "/js/"].
  • exclude_auth_pages configuration should be equal to ["/api/", "/auth/", "/web/auth/"].
  • modules_path configuration should be absolute paths
  • webproxy_number configuration should be the number of HTTP proxy used