Default Database


  • data/users.csv: Users database for authentication
  • data/groups.csv: Groups database for permissions and access
  • data/passwords.csv: temp passswords share
  • data/id: the last ID for temp passwords share
  • data/uploads.csv: versions and actions of uploaded files
  • data/requests.csv: user requests or reports
  • data/rss.csv: rss feed data

Delimiter is , and quote is ".


The users database columns:

  1. ID: the unique ID of the user
  2. name: the unique name of the user
  3. password: base64 password hash (SHA512 using hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac)
  4. salt: Salt for password hash. Generation of 32 random bytes using secrets.token_bytes(32).
  5. enumerations: Enumerations for password hash. Generation of number between: 90000 and 110000 using 90000 + secrets.randbelow(20000).
  6. IPs: List of authorized IPs using glob syntax.
  7. groups: List of group IDs for user permissions and access.
  8. apikey: The API key for authenticating users using a API client. It is the base64 of 125 random bytes (base64.b64encode(secrets.token_bytes(125))).


The groups database columns:

  1. ID: the unique ID of the group and the permission level
  2. name: the unique name of the group


The passwords database columns:

  1. timestamp: The timestamp (a float) of the max time to view the password.
  2. password: Encrypted password (using XOR, the key and the salt is 60 random bytes using secrets.token_bytes(60))
  3. views: The number of views remaining
  4. hash: Hexadecimal of the password hash (SHA512 using hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac)
  5. iteration: Random integer between 9999 and 15000 using 9999 + secrets.randbelow(5001)
  6. ID: The unique ID of the password

Passwords are automatically deleted when they expire.


The uploads database columns:

  1. ID: the action ID (an auto-incremented integer)
  2. name: the name of the file
  3. read_permission: permission required to read this file
  4. write_permission: permission required to write this file
  5. delete_permission: permission required to delete this file
  6. hidden: hide file (only admin can see the file), you can read, write and delete the file if you know the name
  7. is_deleted: status ("deleted" or "exist") (administrators can see deleted files)
  8. is_binary: state ("binary" or "text")
  9. timestamp: time of this action (a float)
  10. user: the "owner" of the file (the user of this action)
  11. version: the version of the file


The requests database columns:

  1. ID: the request ID (an auto-incremented integer)
  2. Time: timestamp of request creation
  3. UserName: user name used to create the request
  4. ErrorCode: the HTTP error code page used to create the request
  5. Page: URL used to create the request
  6. UserAgent: the UserAgent used to create the request
  7. Subject: subject of the request
  8. Reason: reason of the request
  9. Name: the name of the person creating the request


The RSS database columns:

  1. guid: Article's ID
  2. author: Person who have written this article
  3. title: Article's title
  4. description: Article's description
  5. link: Link to read the full article
  6. categories: Categories for this article
  7. pubDate: Publication date
  8. comments: Comments for this article

Default database


0,Not Authenticated,,,,*,0,


0,Not Authenticated

To reset it:

python3 scripts/account/modules/